Monday, January 02, 2006

Name Change

I decided to change the name of my blog from Becky's Journal Quilts to Becky's QuiltBlog. I wanted to be able to include other ongoing quilt projects as well, and didn't want to limit myself to just the journal quilts.

I'm still thinking about the January journal quilt. I have some good ideas, but haven't tried anything out yet. I've been busy hand quilting my second Giant Dahlia wallhanging. That's what I "feel" like doing right now, so I haven't done a lot of anything else. I have a baby quilt almost finished, but don't feel like sitting at the machine to finish quilting it. The baby isn't born yet, but will be any day, so I need to get it finished. I am also trying to catch up on my Women of the Bible blocks. I'm about three weeks behind. I almost finished one block today. It is all applique, all curved. I thought I was pretty good at applique, but these curves are tricky! Anyway, I'll feel good if I get that block finished today. Then maybe I'll tackle the journal quilt.

I have been posting my Women of the Bible blocks on my website as I have finished them. I wish I had been blogging when I started them. I think this format would have been better than the website. But, I am putting a link to the page here on the blog so that you can see the blocks if you are interested.

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