Saturday, December 31, 2005

Journal Quilts

I signed up for a "Journal Quilt" challenge on the quilting forum. For this challenge, I am supposed to make up to 12 small quilts measuring 8 1/2" x 11" during the year 2006. I have decided that with each quilt I will attempt to stretch my creativity by using some technique that I have never used before. On this page, I will attempt to "journal" about my journal quilts. Sometimes the subject of the quilt may have personal meaning to me. Other times, the design may simply be an avenue for trying a specific technique.
I am hoping this experience will help me break out of the patterns with which I am comfortable. I tend to stick to things that are "safe" and look good on the first attempt. I do not consider myself a terribly artistic person, although I do think that I am creative, and I think I have a "good eye" for layout and design. I often have trouble coming up with really original ideas, and when I do, I have trouble getting them out of my head and onto paper, or fabric, or whatever.
Here's to an interesting year!

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